Modify the Security Level for TMI-based agents

Control Manager implements the security level you specified during the Control Manager installation. TMI.cfg allows you to change the security level without reinstalling the product.

To change the Control Manager security level:

  1. Open <root>:\Program files\Trend Micro\COMMON\TMI\TMI.cfg using any text editor (for example, Notepad).

  2. Making incorrect changes to the configuration file can cause serious system problem. Backup TMI.cfg to restore your original settings.

  3. Change the value of MaxSecurity parameter. Use 1, 2, or 5, which corresponds to the security level you want.

  4. Save and close TMI.cfg.

  5. Open the Windows Services screen to stop and then restart the Control Manager services.

  6. Repeat steps 1 to 3 to modify TMI.cfg for all agents present in your Control Manager network.

  7. Set all TMI.cfg in your Control Manager network (server and agents) to the same security level value (MaxSecurity). Otherwise, the server and agent communication will not work.