
OfficeScan Client Manual Updates

Update client components manually when client components are severely out-of-date and whenever there is an outbreak. Client components become severely out-of-date when the client is unable to update components from the update source for an extended period of time.

In addition to components, OfficeScan clients also receive updated configuration files automatically during manual update. Clients need the configuration files to apply new settings. Each time you modify OfficeScan settings through the web console, the configuration files change.

  1. The components currently available on the OfficeScan server and the date these components were last updated display on top of the screen. Ensure the components are up-to-date before notifying clients to update.

  2. To update only clients with outdated components:

    1. Click Select clients with outdated components.

    2. (Optional) Select Include roaming and offline client(s):

    3. Click Initiate Update.

    The server searches for clients whose component versions are earlier than the versions on the server and then notifies these clients to update. To check the notification status, go to the Updates > Summary screen.

  3. To update the clients of your choice:

    1. Select Manually select clients.

    2. Click Select.

    3. In the client tree, click the root domain icon to include all clients or select specific domains or clients.

    4. Click Initiate Component Update.

The server starts notifying each client to download updated components. To check the notification status, go to the Updates > Summary screen.

See also: