
Customized Keyword Lists

Create customized keyword lists if none of the predefined keyword lists meet your requirements.

There are several criteria that you can choose from when configuring a keyword list. A keyword list must satisfy your chosen criteria before OfficeScan subjects it to a Digital Asset Control policy. Choose one of the following criteria for each keyword list:

Criteria for a Keyword List



Any keyword

A file must contain at least one keyword in the keyword list.

All keywords

A file must contain all the keywords in the keyword list.

All keywords within <x> characters

A file must contain all the keywords in the keyword list. In addition, each keyword pair must be within <x> characters of each other.

For example, your 3 keywords are ABCDE, FGHIJ, and WXYZ and the number of characters you specified is 20.

If OfficeScan detects all keywords in the order FGHIJ, ABCDE, and WXYZ, the number of characters from F to A and from A to W must be 20 characters at most.

  • The following data matches the criteria: FGHIJ####ABCDE############WXYZ

  • The following data does not match the criteria: FGHIJ*******************ABCDE****WXYZ

When deciding on the number of characters, remember that a small number, such as 10, will usually result in faster scanning time but will only cover a relatively small area. This may reduce the likelihood of detecting sensitive data, especially in large files. As the number increases, the area covered also increases but scanning time might be slower.

Combined score for keywords exceeds threshold

A file must contain one or more keywords in the keyword list. If only one keyword was detected, its score must be higher than the threshold. If there are several keywords, their combined score must be higher than the threshold.

Assign each keyword a score of 1 to 10. A highly confidential word or phrase, such as "salary increase" for the Human Resources department, should have a relatively high score. Words or phrases that, by themselves, do not carry much weight can have lower scores.

Consider the scores that you assigned to the keywords when configuring the threshold. For example, if you have five keywords and three of those keywords are high priority, the threshold can be equal to or lower than the combined score of the three high priority keywords. This means that the detection of these three keywords is enough to treat the file as sensitive.

  1. Click the Keywords tab.

  2. Click Add. A new screen displays.

  3. Type a name for the keyword list. The name must not exceed 100 bytes in length and cannot contain the following characters:

  4. > < * ^ | & ? \ /

  5. Type a description that does not exceed 256 bytes in length.

  6. Choose one of the following criteria and configure additional settings for the chosen criteria:

  7. See Criteria for a Keyword List for details about the criteria and additional settings.

  8. To manually add keywords to the list:

    1. Type a keyword that is 3 to 40 bytes in length and specify whether it is case-sensitive.

    2. Click Add.

  9. To add keywords by using the "import" option:

    1. Click Import and then locate the .csv file containing the keywords.

    2. Click Open. A message appears, informing you if the import was successful. If a keyword to be imported already exists in the list, it will be skipped.

  10. To delete keywords, select the keywords and click Delete.

  11. To export keywords:

    1. Click Export.

    2. Save the resulting .csv file to your preferred location.

  12. Click Save.

  13. A message appears, reminding you to deploy the settings to clients. Click Close.

  14. Back in the Digital Asset Definitions screen, click Apply to All Clients.

  1. Click the Keywords tab.

  2. Select the name of a customized keyword list and then click Copy. A new screen appears.

  3. Type a unique name for the keyword list. The name must not exceed 100 bytes in length and cannot contain the following characters:

  4. > < * ^ | & ? \ /

  5. Accept or modify the other settings.

  6. Click Save.

  7. A message appears, reminding you to deploy the settings to clients. Click Close.

  8. Back in the Digital Asset Definitions screen, click Apply to All Clients.

  1. Click the Keywords tab.

  2. Click Import and then locate the .dat file containing the keyword lists.

  3. Click Open. A message appears, informing you if the import was successful. If a keyword list to be imported already exists, it will be skipped.

  4. Click Apply to All Clients.

  1. Click the Keywords tab.

  2. Click the name of the keyword list that you want to modify. A new screen appears.

  3. Modify the settings.

  4. Click Save.

  5. A message appears, reminding you to deploy the settings to clients. Click Close.

  6. Back in the Digital Asset Definitions screen, click Apply to All Clients.

  1. Click the Keywords tab.

  2. Click Export.

  3. Save the resulting .dat file to your preferred location.

  1. Click the Keywords tab.

  2. Select the keyword lists that you want to delete and click Delete.

  3. Click Apply to All Clients.

See also: