A domain in OfficeScan is a group of clients that share the same configuration and run the same tasks. By grouping clients into domains, you can simultaneously configure, manage, and apply the same configuration to all domain members.
For ease of management, group clients based on their departments or the functions they perform. Also group clients that are at a greater risk of infection to apply a more secure configuration to all of them.
By default, OfficeScan simulates network domains. The domain and client names in the client tree have the same names as the domain and computer names on the network. OfficeScan also assigns clients based on the domain structure of the network. Delete or rename the domains that OfficeScan created for you, create a new domain, or transfer clients from one domain to another.
To add a domain:
Networked Computers > Client Management > Manage Client Tree > Add Domains
Type a name for the domain you want to add.
Click Add. The new domain appears in the client tree.
To delete a domain or client:
Networked Computers > Client Management > Manage Client Tree > Remove Domain/Client
To delete a domain, delete or move all clients under it. To move clients to other domains, drag and drop them to the destination domains.
When the domain is empty, click Remove Domain/Client.
To delete a client, click Remove Domain/Client. If you select a domain, clicking Remove Domain/Client deletes all clients under the domain.
Although a deleted client no longer appears in the client tree, it is not uninstalled from the client computer. The OfficeScan client can still perform server-dependent tasks, such as updating components. However, the server is unaware of the existence of the client and therefore cannot send configurations or notifications to the client.
To rename a domain:
Networked Computers > Client Management > Manage Client Tree > Rename Domain
Type a new name for the domain.
Click Rename. The new domain name appears in the client tree.
To move a client:
Networked Computers > Client Management > Manage Client Tree > Move Client
Select whether to move clients to another domain or OfficeScan server.
To move clients to another domain, select Move selected client(s) to another domain, choose the domain from the drop-down list, and decide whether or not to apply the settings of the new domain to the clients.
Alternatively, drag and drop the client to another domain in the client tree.
To move clients to another OfficeScan server, enter the server name and HTTP port number under Move selected client(s) to another OfficeScan Server.
Click Move.
See also: