About Policies and Priorities

The IWSVA Virus, Applets and ActiveX Security, Application Control, Access Quota, URL-Filtering, and HTTPS decryption policies work by applying a set of rules to an account. Together they are called a policy.

Global Policies

A global policy is one that, by default, applies to all users of the LAN. Global policies are available for HTTP Malware Scan, Application Control, Applets and ActiveX Security, and URL Filtering, and HTTPS decryption.

Per-Policy Exception List

For granular configuration, you can configure an exception list for each policy. In addition, you can specify that IWSVA bypass virus scans and compressed file handling actions for the exception list.

Setting Priorities

When evaluating a URL, Web site or application, the internal IWSVA policy manager identifies which users are affected by the policy. If more than one policy applies, and if a user falls under more than one matching policy, IWSVA will apply the policy with the highest priority.

For example, say you have a quota of 25MB per day for all users in the organization. You create a policy to include the entire company. However, you know that certain members of the Marketing department need to be able to send and receive (FTP over HTTP) very large graphic files. You can accommodate both sets of needs by creating a 100MB per day policy for marketing and assigning it a higher priority (for example 1) than the 25MB per day policy.

Multi-IWSVA Environment

If you have set up multiple instances of IWSVA to work together, and share the same IWSVA database, the policy list and priorities of all instances will be the same after you deploy the new policy or changes.

See also: