About URL Filtering Categories

Categories provide an easy and direct way to work with tens of thousands of potentially objectionable URLs.

IWSVA URL filtering uses categories as the basis for policies, which is how you define which groups can or cannot access which URLs, and when. From the Web Reputation database, IWSVA has access to over 80 categories of URLs, such as ”gambling,” ”games,” and ”personals/dating.”

Categories are contained in the following logical groups:

You can select all the categories of a specific group or groups or you can browse through the categories of a group and select only certain categories.

There is no limit to how an organization might arrange category groups. Some category groups, for example Computers/Harmful, are typically used to represent Web content that is forbidden. Other category groups, for example Computers/Communication, could contain URL categories you want accessible to all users.

For flexibility, IWSVA allows you to create custom categories when the predefined URL categories do not meet your requirements.

See also: