setting up ICAP for the Blue Coat Port 80 Security Appliance

To set up ICAP for the Blue Coat Port 80 Security Appliance:

  1. Log on to the Web console by typing https://{SERVER-IP}:8082 in the address bar of your Web browser.

  2. Note: The procedure for setting up ICAP on a Blue Coat appliance might vary depending on the product version.

  1. Select Management.

Type the logon user name and password, if prompted.

  1. Click ICAP in the left menu, then click the ICAP Services tab.

  2. Click New. The Add ICAP Service screen opens.

  3. In the ICAP service name field, type an alphanumeric name. Click Ok.

  4. Highlight the new ICAP service name and click Edit. The Edit ICAP Service name screen opens.

  5. Type or select the following information:

  1. The ICAP version number (that is, 1.0)

  2. The service URL that includes the virus-scanning server host name or IP address, and the ICAP port number. The default ICAP port number is 1344.

  3. Response mode:


  1. Request mode:


where ICAP-SERVER-IP is the IP address of IWSVA ICAP.

  1. The maximum number of connections (ranges from 1-65535). The default value is 5.

  2. The connection time-out, which is the number of seconds the Blue Coat Port 80 Security Appliance waits for replies from the virus-scanning server. The range is an interval from 60 to 65535. The default time-out is 70 seconds.

  3. Choose the type of method supported (response or request modes).

  4. Use the default preview size (bytes) of zero (0).

  5. Click Sense settings to retrieve settings from the ICAP server (recommended).

  6. To register the ICAP service for health checks, click Register under the Health Check Options section.

  1. Click Ok, then click Apply.

  2. Note: You can edit the configured ICAP services. To edit a server configuration again, select the service and click Edit.

  1. Add the response mode or request mode policy.

The Visual Policy Manager requires the Java 2 Runtime Environment Standard Edition v.1.3.1 or later (also known as the Java Runtime or JRE) from Sun™ Microsystems, Inc. If you already have JRE on your workstation, the Security Gateway opens a separate browser window and starts the Visual Policy Manager. The first time you start the policy editor, it displays an empty policy.

If you do not have JRE on your workstation, a security warning window appears. Click Yes to continue. Follow the instructions.

See also: