Cluster Management

The Cluster Management page allows users to view cluster settings, access to modifying cluster settings, and quick login access to child servers.

Click the Modify link to access the cluster settings modification page.

Cluster Settings

The Cluster management page display the following settings and buttons.



Cluster Name

This is the name assigned to the cluster when it was first created in the Deployment Wizard. (can be modified)

HA Mode


Cluster IP Address

The floating IP address used to log into the cluster from the Web console or CLI. This IP address remains the same, even after a switchover occurs. (can be modified)


Displays the (optional) description entered when the cluster was added through the Deployment Wizard. (can be modified)

Deployment Mode

Currently, this parameter while always display "Bridge" because IWSVA high availability clusters are only supported in Transparent Bridge mode.

Weighted Priority Election

Displays either Enabled or Disabled. (can be modified)

Switch Roles

Allows administrators to switch roles between parent and child members.


Updates the status of cluster members.

Cluster Members

This section displays the cluster members (parent and child) and allow login access to the child servers.

For both parent and child servers, the following parameters are displayed.




Displays the server name


Displays either "Parent" or "Child"

IP Address

Displays the management IP address of the device.


Displays the weight entered when the cluster was configured.
(Default: parent 128/child 64)


Displays the following icons:

  • Up status

  • Down status

Last Synchronized

Display the date and time (hours: minutes: seconds) when the child server was last synchronized with the parent.

Synchronization Status

Display the following icons:

  • N/A - Information not available

  • Success - Synchronization was successful.

  • Failed - Synchronization failed. If failed, information tool tip display the reason why the synchronization failed.


Displays an icon () to delete child member if there are two nodes in the cluster. The delete icon displays for parent member if it is the only node in the cluster. Deleting the parent member dissolves the whole cluster.