Modifying Cluster Settings

This page displays the following parameters, some of which can be modified.



Cluster Name

Displays the name assigned to the cluster when it was first created in the Deployment Wizard. (can be modified)



Displays the (optional) description, if any, entered when the cluster was added through the Deployment Wizard. (can be modified)

Floating IP Address


Displays the floating (or cluster) IP address used to log into the cluster from the Web console or CLI. The floating IP address that is assigned is used with to access the cluster, even after a switchover occurs. (can be modified)

Weighted Priority Election


Displays either Enabled or Disabled. (can be modified). If the Weighted Priority Election  value is set to enable, the HA pair launches an election to choose the maximum weighted machine. If the Weighted Priority Election value is set to disable, the HA pair only launches an election when the current active (or primary) machine is not available. (can be modified)

H/A Mode

Active/Passive (display only)

Deployment Mode


Currently, this parameter while always display "Bridge" because IWSVA high availability clusters are only supported in Transparent Bridge mode. (display only)