Managing Product Licenses Parent topic

You can activate IMSVA products through the management console. If a product license expires, renew the license, obtain a new Activation Code, and specify the code through the management console. If the product remains inactive, its features are disabled.

Component Descriptions Parent topic

IMSVA can use the following components:
Cloud Pre-Filter
Provides message approved and blocked list filters and scanning for spam, viruses, and other threats before the messages reach your network.
Trend Micro Antivirus and Content Filter
Basic scanning and filtering functionality. You can think of this product as the IMSVA program itself.
Spam Prevention Solution (SPS)
A built-in filter that helps IMSVA identify content typically found in spam.
Email Reputation and IP Profiler
Email Reputation shares the same Activation Code with IP Profiler.
  • Email Reputation
    Trend Micro Email Reputation technology was designed to be used to identify and block spam before it enters a computer network by routing Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of incoming mail connections to Trend Micro Smart Protection Network server for verification against extensive reputation databases.
  • IP Profiler
    IP Profiler allows you to configure threshold settings and determine the action IMSVA performs when it detects any of the four potential Internet threats:
    • Spam: Messages with unwanted advertising content.
    • Viruses: Various virus threats, including Trojan programs.
    • Directory Harvest Attack (DHA): A method spammers use to add your user's email addresses to spam databases.
    • Bounced Mail: Messages returned to the sender because the messages were sent with the sender’s domain in the sender address.
Trend Micro Email Encryption
Trend Micro Email Encryption integrates with IMSVA to encrypt and decrypt messages and to block messages that cannot be decrypted.
Regulatory Compliance
Compliance templates provide administrators with regulatory compliance. For a detailed list of available templates, see

Viewing Your Product Licenses Parent topic

Monitor your product licenses from the Product Licenses screen.


  1. Go to AdministrationProduct Licenses.
    A brief summary of each license appears:
    • Product
    • Version
      • Full: Indicates that you have purchased the full licensed product.
      • Evaluation: Indicates that you are using an evaluation version of the product that expires after an elapsed time. The evaluation period varies according to the Activation Code you have obtained.
        Fourteen (14) days before the expiration of the evaluation period, you will see a warning message on the management console.
        To continue using IMSVA after the evaluation period, purchase a licensed version of IMSVA and specify the new Activation Code.
    • Activation Code: A 31 alphanumeric character code in the format: xx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx.
      Trend Micro will send you an Activation Code by email when you register a product online. You can then copy and paste this Activation Code on the Product License page.
    • Seats: The number of endpoints/servers the license supports.
    • Status: Indicates whether the product has expired or has been activated.
    • Maintenance expiration: The date when you will no longer be able to download the latest scan engine and virus pattern files from the Trend Micro ActiveUpdate server. To ensure that your network is protected against the latest web threats, contact your sales representative to renew your license.
  2. Click View detailed license online for the license you want to view.
  3. Click Check Status Online to check the status of your license agreement on the Trend Micro website.
  4. Click Hide Notifications for Inactive Components on the top of license summary to hide notifications for inactivate components.

Renewing or Activating a License Parent topic

There are two ways to renew a license:
Obtain a new Activation Code
Contact your sales representative to obtain a new Activation Code, and then specify the code on the Product Licenses screen.
Extend the life of an existing Activation Code
Contact your sales representative to extend the lifetime of your Activation Code, and then either manually update the license status or wait until IMSVA automatically updates it.

Renewing a License Using a New Activation Code Parent topic


  1. Go to AdministrationProduct Licenses.
    A brief summary of each license appears.
  2. Click Enter a new code next to Activation Code.
    The Enter a New Code screen appears.
  3. Next to New Activation Code, specify the new code.
  4. Click Activate.
    The management console might access the Trend Micro website to activate the license.
    If you are unable to reach the Trend Micro website, verify your network settings and try again.

Renewing a License Using an Existing Activation Code Parent topic


  1. Go to AdministrationProduct Licenses.
    A brief summary of each license appears.
  2. Click View detailed license online to view detailed information about the license.
  3. Click Check Status Online. The management console accesses the Trend Micro web site to activate the license.
    If you are unable to reach the Trend Micro website, verify your network settings and try again.
    IMSVA checks the status of your license 90, 60, 30, and 0 days before the expiration of the current license, and every day after the expiration of the current license. Once renewed, IMSVA automatically updates the stored license information.
    You can wait for IMSVA to automatically update the license status. However, Trend Micro recommends that you manually update it as soon as you extend the lifetime of the Activation Code.