The IM Security Server Management Tool
(toolSrvMgmt.exe) is a command line tool that allows you to easily add and
register other IM Security servers in the
Server Management list. Register servers to replicate scan, filter, and
update settings to multiple IM Security
servers at the same time.
The Server Management Tool automates the target servers' registration onto a source
Adding the user who started the IM Security services on the source server to the Access Control List (ACL) of the
target server (<root>\TrendMicro\IMSecurity WMI instance) completes the
registration process.
Run the Server Management Tool from the target or source IM Security server (typically
<root>\Program Files\Trend Micro\IM Security\).
Before using this tool, gather and ensure the correctness of the following information:
Source server's domain name
Target server's host name or IP address
User name and password of the Windows account that has Local Administrator privileges
on the
target server