Running the Server Management Tool Parent topic

To run the Server Management Tool, you must be a member of the Local admin group. The Server Management Tool does not display servers to which you do not have the privilege to view.


  1. Click StartRun.
  2. Type cmd, and then click OK to open a command line prompt.
  3. On the command line prompt, go to the folder where the Server Management Tool program (toolSrvMgmt.exe) is located.
  4. Type the appropriate command.
    toolSrvMgmt.exe /u <domain name\user name> /p <password> /s <source server IM Security logon account> /t <target server name> /o <operation>

    Server Management Tool Commands

    /u <user name>
    The user account that has local administrator privilege on the target server
    /p <password>
    The password of the user account
    /s <source server IM Security logon account>
    The IM Security services logon account on the source server
    /t <server name>
    Host name or IP address of the target server
    /o <operation type>
    Operation to execute–add or remove
    Quick help
    When running the tool remotely:
    • toolSrvMgmt.exe /u domain_name\user_name /p password /s domain_name\user_name /t target_server_name /o add
    When running the tool locally:
    • toolSrvMgmt.exe /s domain_name\user_name /o add