File Encryption Local Key Encryption Parent topic

Selecting the Local Key function allows a user to encrypt files for view strictly by that user. Local Key files can only be accessed on a File Encryption device by the user who created them.
The policies are available at:
  • In Control Manager, go to PoliciesPolicy Management, select the policy, then modify Common policy rules. For more information, see Configuring Common Policy Rules.
  • PolicyServer MMC, set File EncryptionEncryptionEncryption Method Allowed to User's Unique Key
File Encryption creates a new file when encrypting a file. The original file remains unencrypted in its original location.
Depending on the Windows operating system, a user may view folder contents if switching from one user to a separate user without restarting Windows. While file names and folder content may be viewed, the file contents are not available. This is due to Windows operating system caching the file structure for quick search capability.