
Testing Application Control

The following procedure allows you to modify the Deep Edge Security Policy to block end users from accessing the Google website.

To test Application Control:

  1. Open the Deep Edge console and go to Policies > Rules.

  2. Click the Add New link to add a new policy.

  3. Type a Name. Add optional Description, if needed.

  4. Click the Application tab.

  5. Click the Selected radio button.

  6. Click the Add New icon.

  7. Type a Name. Add an optional Description, if needed.

  8. Expand the Web category from the list of Application categories.

  9. Check the "google" check box and click OK.

  10. Check the check box of the application name you just created.

  11. Click the Action tab.

  12. Select Block in the Action drop-down list. Click OK.

  13. Click Apply.

  14. Open your browser and attempt to access http://www.google.com.

If the test is successful, your browser will not display the Google website.

See also: