Virtual Analyzer Parent topic

This widget displays information about files analyzed by Virtual Analyzer.
Use this widget to:
  • Discover information about Virtual Analyzer
  • View the overall analysis results from Virtual Analyzer
The widget also allows you to perform the following actions:
  • Filter the information based on a defined Period (Past 30 days, 7 days, 24 hours, or 1 hour).
  • Hover over a section of the chart to view the percentage of Malicious or Not Malicious analyzed files.
The widget displays a table with the following information:
  • For internal Virtual Analyzer:
    • Analysis Module: Internal
    • Virtual Analyzer Status: Enabled
    • Last file analyzed: last scanned file name or SHA-1
    • Last file analysis date
    • # of files to be analyzed
    • Average files count per hour
  • For external Virtual Analyzer:
    • Analysis Module: External
    • Last file analyzed: last scanned file name or SHA-1
    • Last file analysis date:
    • # of files to be analyzed:
    • Average files count per hour
  • For Sandbox as a Service:
    • Analysis Module: Sandbox as a Service
    • Virtual Analyzer Status: Enabled
    • Last file analyzed: last scanned file name or SHA-1
    • Last file analysis date
    • # of files to be analyzed
    • Average files count per hour