About Deep Discovery Inspector Widgets Parent topic

Deep Discovery Inspector allows administrators to view system threat data displayed on various widgets.
By default, widgets are displayed on five tabs:

Default Tabs

This tab contains widgets that display hosts requiring priority attention and other detailed, actionable information. For details, see Summary.
Threat Monitoring
This tab contains widgets that display real-time threat data to help administrators identify affected hosts and network threat distribution. For details, see Threat Monitoring.
Virtual Analyzer Status
This tab contains widgets that display the top suspicious files, top hosts with Virtual Analyzer detections, top malicious sites analyzed by Virtual Analyzer, and Virtual Analyzer status and detections. For details, see Virtual Analyzer Status.
Top Trends
This tab contains widgets that display summary information for eight predefined threat types. For details, see Top Trends.
System Status
This tab contains widgets that display basic Deep Discovery Inspector statuses including: CPU usage, disk usage, and memory usage. For details, see System Status.
Optional, undisplayed widgets may be added to any widget tab. For details, see Adding Widgets to the Dashboard.
For widgets that display threat data, see All Detections - Detection Details - Detection Information to view a list of displayed threat types.