
Update your Trend Vision One to experience strengthened centralized management capabilities leveraging newly updated Trend Vision One foundational services.

The Foundation Services release of Trend Vision One was officially available on July 3, 2023. The release includes the following features:
  • Enhanced identity management and role-based access control across Trend Vision One apps and services: Manage users, IdP, and agent permissions, and define the asset visibility scope for your users in one centralized place, across all Trend Vision One apps and services.
  • Trend Vision One Companion, powered by generative AI: Level up analyst productivity with Companion, our AI assistant that can help you better understand, hunt, and respond to incidents and alerts.
  • Be ready for future capabilities: After updating, you will be able to immediately take advantage of new centralized security workflows and capabilities as they become available, such as email, cloud, and network security.
  • Permanent update: You cannot undo or stop the update once you begin.
  • Forced sign out during update: Communicate with any associates that access to your Trend Vision One console will be immediately terminated once the update process begins. Finish all on-going tasks before starting the update. After the update completes, you may need to update your user accounts before re-accessing the system. If an account update is required, the affected users will receive an email notification with instructions about how to perform the update.
  • Post-update tasks:
    • Verify that your user accounts have the correct access permissions and roles in the new User Account app and resolve any role conflicts.
    • Check or establish your IdP connection in Trend Vision One.
  • Compliance considerations: Ensure that you have read and understood the Privacy and personal data collection disclosure for Trend Vision One. Customers that have PCI compliance concerns should contact a sales representative before starting the update.


  1. Sign in to Trend Vision One using the Primary User Account for your registered business.
    The Primary User Account was previously called your company's Trend Micro Account. The account owner has licensing rights to all your Trend Micro solutions.
  2. Go to AdministrationConsole Settings.
  3. In the System Update section, click Get Started.
  4. Review the System Update Notice.
  5. Acknowledge that you understand the update notice by selecting I understand how the update will affect my system and agree to start the process.
  6. Begin the update by clicking Start the Update.
  7. If your Primary User Account does not sign in using an email address, you must assign and verify the email address that will be used to access your update services.
    1. Assign an email account to the Primary User Account and click Verify Email.
    2. Check your email inbox and copy the verification code that Trend Micro sent you.
    3. Paste the verification code in the console and click Submit.
  8. You must update the Primary User Account password.
  9. Sign in to Trend Vision One using the Primary User Account.
  10. Allow some time for the activation process to complete.