Configuring Mobile Client Settings Parent topic

The Virtual Mobile Infrastructure mobile client provides access to the user workspace from a mobile device.
Use the Mobile Client tab on the System Settings screen to configure mobile clients for Virtual Mobile Infrastructure.


  1. On the System Settings screen, click the Mobile Client tab.
  2. Under User Settings section, configure the following:
    • If you want to allow users to save their passwords on their mobile devices, select Allow users to save password on mobile device.
    • If you want users to wait for a certain time before retrying after typing in a wrong password, select Enable unsuccessful signin restriction, and then select the number of attempts and the waiting time from the drop-down lists.
    • If you want to configure the password security level for user workspaces on their mobile devices, select a security option from the Workspace screen lock security level drop-down list.
      This setting will take effect when the users sign in the next time.
    • If you want to stop users from taking screenshots on Android, select Do not allow user to take screenshot.
      On iOS mobile devices, if the screenshot is taken, the Virtual Mobile Infrastructure mobile client logs the event and transfers it to the server.
    • From User keyboard for cloud workspace, select the keyboard you want users to use during their Virtual Mobile Infrastructure session.
    • If you want to restrict users from accessing workspace from a rooted or jailbroken mobile device, select Do not allow users to log in from rooted or jailbroken mobile devices.
    • Select Enable client side rendering option to set client side rendering mode to default on TMVMI client.
    • From the Graphics Options drop-down menu, select one of the following options:
      • Performance: This option provides more speed, but less quality (screen clarity), and utilizes less bandwidth.
      • Balance (default): This option provides balance between quality (screen clarity) and speed.
      • Quality: This option provides more quality (screen clarity), but less speed, and utilizes more bandwidth.
  3. Click Save.