Configuring Microsoft Exchange Server and Office 365 Settings (Optional) Parent topic

If you have already set up an Exchange server in your enterprise environment, you can configure Virtual Mobile Infrastructure to automatically configure Exchange server and Office 365 settings for all the users on their workspace.
You can only configure Virtual Mobile Infrastructure to use an Exchange server if you are using Active Directory server to manage user and group permissions in Virtual Mobile Infrastructure.
Use the Exchange Server tab on System Settings screen to configure Microsoft Exchange Server and Microsoft Office 365 settings.


  1. On the System Settings screen, click the LDAP tab.
  2. Make sure that the Use LDAP checkbox is selected, and the LDAP settings are configured.
  3. Click the Exchange Server tab.
  4. Select Use automatic configuration for Exchange Server on workspace, and then type the server name in the Exchange server field.
  5. Select Office 365 customization, if you are using Exchange Online, and type the Office 365 login ID in the User name field.
    For Office 365 Exchange Online, usually the user name in email account setting is the value of the user's User Principal Name (UPN) in Active Directory. However, in some environments administrators use the alternate login ID functionality. If you have used an alternate login ID, type the correct attribute of the a user object other than UPN in the User name field.
  6. Click Save.