Configuring LDAP Settings (Optional) Parent topic

Virtual Mobile Infrastructure provides optional integration with Microsoft Active Directory and OpenLDAP to manage users and groups more efficiently.
Use the LDAP tab in System Settings to enable and configure the LDAP settings.
If you do not want to import users and groups from LDAP, or want to manage users locally on the Virtual Mobile Infrastructure server, then you will need to disable the LDAP integration.


  1. On the System Settings screen, click the LDAP tab.
  2. Select Use LDAP to enable the feature
  3. Configure the following:
    • LDAP Server Type–select the LDAP server.
    • Server name or IP address
    • Server port
    • Base DN–select a Base DN from the drop down list.
    • User name and Password–a user name and password to access the LDAP server.
    • Update frequency–select a time from the list to determine how often to synchronize content with the LDAP server.
    • LDAP encryption–select encryption method according to your LDAP server settings.
  4. Click Save.
    The server tests the connection with the LDAP server and saves System Settings.