Scheduled Updates

Scheduled Updates

Configure Threat Mitigator to regularly check its update source and automatically download any available updates. Scheduled update relieves you of the task of manually keeping Threat Mitigator up-to-date.

A separate section in the screen is provided for updating the Pattern Release History. Update this component only if you have security enforcement as part of your protection strategy.

  1. Select the components to update when scheduled update runs.

  2. Specify the update schedule.

    Update schedules




    Minutes, every:

    Every X number of minutes

    Runs within the minute you specify, at the start time

    Hours, every:

    Every X number of hours

    Runs within the hour you specify, at the start time

    Days, every:

    Every X number of days

    Runs within the day you specify, at the start time

    Weekly, every:

    Every week, on a particular day

    Runs weekly, on the day you specify, at the start time

  3. Specify an update schedule for the Pattern Release History. See Update schedules for the update frequency options.

  4. Click Save.

See also: