Agent Settings

Agent Settings

To ensure proper communication between Threat Mitigator and Threat Management Agent, configure agent settings, which include:

You can also configure agents to run a scan immediately after it is installed to an endpoint.

Settings apply to all agents managed by Threat Mitigator.

  1. Specify the port number the agent uses to communicate with Threat Mitigator.

  2. (Optional) Choose to hide the agent icon on the system tray. Because Threat Management Agent can be installed silently and does not have settings that users can configure, you may want to enable this option to avoid receiving user inquiries regarding the agent and its functions.

  3. Under Agent Status, specify the time interval for sending heartbeat messages to Threat Mitigator. An agent that is unable to send a heartbeat message at the time interval is considered disconnected.

  4. Under Post-installation Scan:

    1. Select the check box to scan an endpoint for threats immediately after installing the agent.

    2. Select the scan type:

  5. Click Save.

See also: