
About Threat Management Services

Today’s workplace is changing as new and emerging technologies enable people to work with increased mobility. This shift has brought about a new type of threat, one that can enter a network through these technologies and is sophisticated enough to evade detection by existing security infrastructure. For example, threats are unknowingly introduced into the network by employees and guests who bring with them infected mobile computers and portable storage devices. Technologies such as peer-to-peer applications, streaming media, instant messaging, and other potential infection channels can be easily exploited by hackers and cyber criminals, especially if usage is unregulated.

Organizations without dedicated security personnel and with lenient security policies are increasingly exposed to threats, even if they have basic security infrastructure in place. Once discovered, these threats may have already spread to many computing resources, taking considerable time and effort to eliminate completely. Unforeseen costs related to threat elimination can also be staggering.

Trend Micro Threat Management Services provides organizations with an effective way to discover, mitigate, and manage stealthy and zero-day internal threats. Threat Management Services brings together security experts and a host of solutions to provide ongoing security services. These services ensure timely and efficient responses to threats, identify security gaps that leave the network vulnerable to threats, help minimize data loss, significantly reduce damage containment costs, and simplify the maintenance of network security.

Threat Management Services combines years of Trend Micro network security intelligence and in-the-cloud servers that are part of Trend Micro's Smart Protection Network to identify and respond to next-generation threats.

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