Scheduled Update Parent topic

Scheduled updates allow you to perform regular updates without user interaction; thereby, reducing your workload. You should have already configured the download source in the Source screen (refer to Specifying a Download Source for more information).


  1. Click AdministrationUpdates.
    The Updates screen displays.
  2. Click the Scheduled tab.
  3. Select the check box of the component you want to update. Select the Anti-Malware Components, Agent Installation Packages and/or Server Version check box(es) to select all components in that group. This screen also displays each component’s current version and the time the component was last updated.
  4. Under Update Schedule, configure the time interval to perform a server update. The options are Hourly, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.
    • For weekly updates, specify the day of the week (for example, Sunday, Monday, and so on.)
    • For monthly updates, specify the day of the month (for example, the first day, or 01, of the month and so on).
      The Update for a period of x hours feature is available for the Daily, Weekly, and Monthly options. This means that your update will take place sometime within the number of hours specified, following the time selected in the Start time field. This feature helps with load balancing on the ActiveUpdate server.
    • Select the Start time when you want Mobile Security to initiate the update process.
  5. Click Save to save the settings.