Inviting a User Manually Parent topic

You can use this option to invite users by using the form to add user information one at a time.


  1. On the Mobile Security administration web console, go to UsersInvite UsersManually.
    The Invite Users Manually screen appears.
  2. On the Invite Users Manually window, complete the following fields.
    • Phone Number—type the phone number associated with the user.
    • Email—type the user email address to send notification mail.
    • User Name—type the name of the user to identify the device in the device tree.
    • Group—select the group from the drop-down list.
      You can re-assign the user to a different group at a later time from the Devices screen.
  3. To invite more users, click the Client-Add-Button-3.png button and repeat step 2.
  4. Click Save.
    A confirmation message appears.