Managed domains policy enables you to configure the email and/or web domains that
organization manages.
Unmarked Email Domains: When a user is composing an email using the system email client,
email address entered which does not match the configured domains will be highlighted
in red. Administrators should consider using this functionality, to warn users who
may be
inadvertently attempting to send sensitive information to untrusted email addresses.
Managed Safari Web Domains: You can specify that files downloaded from specific domains
Safari may only be opened with managed apps. For example, a PDF downloaded from may be opened with Adobe Reader (a managed app) but not Dropbox
unmanaged app). This provides improved containerization of Safari and wider the use
as an
enterprise browser.
You must disable the following iOS features in the Feature Lock Policy. Otherwise,
managed Safari Web domains settings will not have any effect, since the downloaded
files can
be opened with other (unmanaged) apps:
To configure managed domain policy settings, click Policies, then click
the policy name, and then click Managed Domain Policy.