Android Mobile Devices Parent topic

You can install the MDA for Android mobile devices using one of the following methods:
  • Installation Method I—Download and install the MDA directly on a mobile device from Google Play store. Search for Trend Micro Enterprise Mobile Security on Google Play, and then download and install Enterprise Mobile Security application from Trend Micro.
  • Installation Method II—Download and install the MDA directly on a mobile device from the Management Server. See Installation Method II for the procedure.
  • Installation Method III—Download the MDA installation package on a computer using a web browser, then transfer it to the mobile device and install. See Installation Method III for the procedure.
  • Installation Method IV—Download the MDA installation package on a computer using Mobile Device Management console, then transfer it to the mobile device and install. See Installation Method IV for the procedure.
The default invitation email message sent to the users instructs the users to download and install the MDA app from Google Play store (Method I). If you want to use another method for users to install the app, modify the invitation email message sent to the users. Refer to the topic Configuring User Notifications in Administrator's Guide.