Configuring BlackBerry Communication Server Settings Parent topic

Before configuring BlackBerry Communication Server settings, you must install brk-besuseradminclient command tool on the Mobile Security Management Server.
To find BlackBerry Command Tool path:
  1. Log on to the BlackBerry Administration Service.
  2. From Servers and components menu, click BlackBerry Solution topologyBlackBerry DomainComponent View.
  3. On the right pane, you can see the BlackBerry Enterprise Server instance name.


  1. Click AdministrationCommunication Server Settings.
  2. Click the BlackBerry Settings tab.
  3. Under section BlackBerry Administration Service Credentials, configure the following:
    • Server name: BES server name (your computer name) or IP address where you have installed the BES Administration Service
    • Port: the port for BES Administration Tool to connect to the BES server. The default port is 443.
    • User account: administrator name for the BES Administration Service
    • Password: password for the user account
    • Domain name: BES server domain name
    If your Mobile Security server cannot connect with BES server using BES server name, type the BES server IP address in the Server name field.
  4. Under section BlackBerry Database Settings, configure the following:
    • Database address: BES configuration database name or IP address
    • User name: database user name
    You need to create a database user with the Connection and Read permissions for the database.
    • Password: Database user login password
    • Database name: BES configuration database name
    For BlackBerry Database settings, Trend Micro Mobile Security only supports SQL Server authentication mode for SQL server.
  5. Under section BlackBerry Command Tool Settings, configure the following:
    • Tool path: BlackBerry Administration Tool installation path. For example: C:\Program Files\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server Resource Kit\BlackBerry Enterprise Server User Administration Tool Client
  6. Click Save.