<> Trend Micro, Inc. September 10, 2010 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trend Micro(TM) Control Manager(TM) 5.0 Build 1467 Repack 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Contents =================================================================== 1. About Trend Micro Control Manager 2. What's New 3. Document Set 4. Recommended System Requirements 5. Installation 6. Post-Installation Configuration 7. Known Issues 8. Release History 9. Contact Information 10. About Trend Micro 11. License Agreement =================================================================== 1. About Trend Micro Control Manager ======================================================================== Trend Micro(TM) Control Manager(TM) (TMCM) is a multi-tiered security management solution that gives an administrator the ability to control antivirus and content security software or appliances from a central location -- regardless of the program or the appliance's physical location or platform. TMCM also allows the identification of points of vulnerabilities and infections. It allows the formulation of effective deployment and response plans. 2. What's New ======================================================================== Repack 4 resolves the following issue: - The TMI service certificate does generate after September 2010. This completely prevents Control Manager 5.0 installation. ====================================================================== Repack 4 resolves this issue so Control Manager 5.0 can install correctly. The following features are available in version 5.0: 2.1 Improved Reports and Report Templates ===================================================================== a. Previous versions of Control Manager only had Trend Micro predefined report templates. Users can now create their own report templates. b. Control Manager 5.0 also provides an Ad Hoc Query feature, allowing users to query information from the Control Manager database. 2.2 Improved User Access Control ===================================================================== Control Manager 5.0 provides improved user access control through the following ways: a. Customized account types allow administrators to specify which Control Manager menu items users can access. b. Customized user accounts allow administrators to specify which products/directories a user can access, as well as specifying what actions the user can perform on products/ directories to which the user has access. 2.3 Improved Product Directory Management and Monitoring ===================================================================== Control Manager 5.0 provides improved product management and monitoring through the Product Directory. The improvements are as follows: a. OfficeScan-like view for products with multiple clients b. Child Control Manager server managed products can be managed by parent Control Manager servers c. Support searching for managed products or managed product clients by name d. When moving managed products in the product tree access rights can be maintained from the product's previous location 2.4 Intelligent Component Monitoring (Summary screen) ===================================================================== Control Manager 5.0 displays only the components for products a user has access rights and which are registered to Control Manager. Previous versions displayed all components for all products. 2.5 Product License Deployment Support ===================================================================== Control Manager now supports the deployment and re-deployment of Activation Codes to managed products. Control Manager license management supports the following: a. Managed products can register their Activation Code (AC) to Control Manager b. Control Manager administrators can view the status of all ACs of registered managed products or ACs that other users input. They also can see which managed products use the AC. c. Control Manager administrators can add new ACs and deploy the ACs to selected managed products. d. Control Manager administrators can select a existing AC and deploy the AC to selected managed products. e. Control Manager administrators can renew ACs and then deploy them to related managed products that have used the AC. f. Control Manager administrators can delete ACs when the AC is not used by any managed products or in the process of deploying the AC. 2.6 New Logging Enhancements ===================================================================== a. Control Manager supports sending a log aggregation command to managed products. Managed products drop information you deem unnecessary and send the aggregated log to Control Manager. b. Log data retrieval that is similar to the ad hoc query function for reports. Customers can select which information they want to view from managed products. 2.7 Cascading Enhancement ===================================================================== a. Control Manager supports Single Sign On between Parent Control Managers and Child Control Managers. b. From Child Control Managers, OfficeScan clients display in the Product Directory. c. OfficeScan client data is now sent to Child and Parent Control Managers 3. Document Set ======================================================================== The documentation set for this product includes: Readme.txt: Version enhancements, basic installation, known issues, release history Online help: Context-sensitive help screens that provide guidance for performing a task Installation Guide: Product overview, installation planning, installation and configuration instructions, and basic information intended to get you "up and running" Administrator's Guide: Provides product overview, installation planning, installation and configuration instructions, and guidance in using the product Tutorial: Provides walk through of Control Manager, from installation to Control Manager usage, in a test environment. Knowledge Base: A searchable database of known product issues, including specific problem-solving and troubleshooting topics. http://kb.trendmicro.com/solutions/ 4. Minimum System Requirements ======================================================================== Control Manager servers require the following on machines where they install: 4.1 Hardware Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Server ====== CPU Intel(TM) Pentium(TM) III Processor 600MHz or higher RAM 2GB RAM is minimum, 4GB RAM is recommended Disk Space 790MB for Control Manager Standard 790MB for Control Manager Advanced 300MB for SQL 2005 Express (Optional) 20GB additional disk space for growing database(logs), reports, and ActiveUpdate components(Patterns/Engines) 4.2 Software Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Server ====== Operating system Microsoft Windows 2008 Server Standard Edition Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Server Standard Edition Microsoft Windows 2008 Server Enterprise Edition Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 Server Enterprise Edition WOW, 64 bit architecture of Windows 2008 Standard/Enterprise WOW, 64 bit architecture of Windows 2008 R2 Standard/Enterprise Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition SP1/SP2 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP1/SP2 Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition R2 SP1/SP2 Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Enterprise Edition R2 SP1/SP2 WOW, 64 bit architecture of Windows 2003 Standard/Enterprise Microsoft(TM) Windows(TM) 2000 Server SP3/SP4 Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP3/SP4 VMWare ESX 3.0 Web server Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 5.0 or higher Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) 32-bit mode on WOW64 machine Database SQL 2008 Standard SP1 SQL 2008 Enterprise SP1 SQL 2008 64-bit Standard SP1 SQL 2008 64-bit Enterprise SP1 SQL 2005 Express Edition SP1/SP2 SQL 2005 Standard SP1/SP2 SQL 2005 Enterprise SP1/SP2 SQL 2005 64-bit Standard SP1/SP2 SQL 2005 64-bit Enterprise SP1/SP2 Microsoft Data Engine 2000 SP3/SP4 (Service Pack 4 is recommended) Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3/SP4 (Service Pack 4 is recommended) Older Agents ============ Refer to the below URL to get agents supported by Control Manager: http://www.trendmicro.com/en/products/management/tmcm/evaluate/requirements.htm Management console ================== Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher Others ================== Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 (installed by CM) VC2005 Redistribution (install by CM) Windows Installer 3.1 (installed/prepared by users) MDAC 2.8 SP1 or above for SQL Express (installed/prepared by users) Control Manager 5.0 requires the following role services for IIS server on Windows Server 2008: - Static Content - Default Document - Directory Browsing - HTTP Errors - ASP.NET - .Net Extensibility - ASP - CGI - ISAPI Extensions - ISAPI Filters - Request Filtering - IIS 6 Management Compatibility 5. Installation ======================================================================== Control Manager 5.0 supports either fresh installation or upgrading from Control Manager versions 3.0/3.5. Control Manager 5.0 does not support upgrading from Control Manager 2.5 For detailed information about installing or upgrading, see the Trend Micro Control Manager Installation Guide or Administrator's Guide. NOTES: - Before installing Control Manager 5.0 ensure the following are installed on the server to which Control Manager installs: - Windows Installer 3.1 - MDAC 2.8 SP1 or above for SQL Express - Before upgrading to Control Manager 5.0 or before migrating the agents, Trend Micro highly recommends installing the latest patches for ServerProtect and OfficeScan if your Control Manager server manages these products. This is because there are some Control Manager integration issues with unpatched ServerProtect and Officescan servers. Visit the following Web sites to obtain the latest patches: - ServerProtect for Windows: http://www.trendmicro.com/download/product.asp?productid=17 - ServerProtect for Linux: http://www.trendmicro.com/download/product.asp?productid=20 - ServerProtect for EMC Celerra: http://www.trendmicro.com/download/product.asp?productid=19 - ServerProtect for Network Appliance filers: http://www.trendmicro.com/download/product.asp?productid=18 - OfficeScan: http://www.trendmicro.com/download/product.asp?productid=5 To install Control Manager: 1. Register and activate the product and services 2. Specify the Control Manager server file location and communication settings 3. Choose and configure database information 4. Set up root account and configure proxy server settings 5. Configure notification settings 6. Complete the installation 6. Post-Installation Configuration ======================================================================== After successfully installing Control Manager, Trend Micro recommends performing the following post-installation configuration steps: 1. Configure user accounts 2. Download the latest components to enhance security protection 3. Set notifications For detailed information about performing these tasks, see the Trend Micro Control Manager Installation Guide or Administrator's Guide. 7. Known Issues ======================================================================== Here are the known issues for this release: 7.1 Installation ===================================================================== 1. Control Manager 5.0 installation will not be successful if MSDE is uninstalled without rebooting the server. 2. Installing Control Manager with other servers or managed products, such as a proxy server, domain controller, or OfficeScan may lead to low performance. 3. When installing Control Manager with Windows authentication, the following two values are not allowed: - localhost\Administrator -\Administrator 4. When installing Control Manager on 64-bit servers, CCGI installation may sometimes not complete successfully. This is due to an issue with a third-party tool. To resolve this issue, manually uninstall CCGI and then reinstall Control Manager. Refer to the Administrator's Guide for instructions. 5. Control Manager 5.0 only supports simple mode for the database recovery module (Control Manager 3.5 supported bulk mode. The difference being that the database does not generate transaction logs anymore). 7.2 Reports ===================================================================== 1. Time criteria cannot be applied to data view columns that include connection or component status information. For example: "Pattern File Status", "Scan Engine Status" or the report template "TM-Managed Product Connection/Component Status". This is because Control Manager overwrites the connection and component status information. 2. The owner of a Schedule Report subscription changes according to the last person who modifies the report subscription. 3. When installing Control Manager to a location other than the default installation path on Windows 2008 R2 environments, Crystal Report viewer components do not install at the specified location. Crystal Report viewer components install under the default Control Manager installation path. 4. Reports generated using the "Active X" format cannot be opened, when Control Manager is installed on Windows 2008 R2. 5. Reports generated using the Crystal Report Format (*.rpt) will generate without the first page, when Control Manager is installed on Windows 2008 R2. 7.3 Ad Hoc Query ===================================================================== 1. Using the Back button on the Query Result screen to return to the Query Criteria screen causes the settings on the Query Criteria screen to be reset. 2. Some event logs sent by managed products do not include all fields. This results in some fields in the "Managed Product Event Information" data view to always display "N/A". 3. Dragging and dropping charts from the "Temporary storage" area to rows can cause a javascript error and block all following actions. To prevent this issue disable the Internet browser's warnings. 4. Child Control Manager servers do not send Command Tracking logs to parent Control Manager servers. This means the managed product's Engine/Pattern deployment view on the parent Control Manager always displays "Unknown" for the child Control Manager and all managed products under the child Control Manager. 7.4 ActiveUpdate Updates/Deployment ===================================================================== 1. Control Manager cannot deploy the Spyware Pattern to OfficeScan 8.0 or OfficeScan 8.0 Patch 2 without applying any hot fix released after Patch 2. 7.5 Cascading ===================================================================== 1. The default security level of Internet Explorer 7 is high. This blocks single sign-on (SSO) for child Control Manager servers from parent Control Manager. To resolve this issue lower the default security level of Internet Explorer 7. 2. Control Manager 5.0 Advanced parent servers only support the following for child Control Manager servers: - Control Manager 5.0 Advanced - Control Manager 3.0 SP6 Standard or Enterprise Edition - Control Manager 3.5 Standard or Enterprise Edition Control Manager 3.5 Enterprise Edition servers supported Standard and Enterprise servers as child servers. Control Manager 5.0 does not support Control Manager 5.0 Standard servers as child servers. 3. After cascading registration, duplicate data-synch commands may appear in the Command Tracking table. 4. If upgrading a Control Manager 3.5 Standard Edition server to a Control Manager 5.0 Standard server, the existing cascading relationship with the parent server will break. Control Manager 5.0 does not support Control Manager 5.0 Standard servers as child servers. 5. Single sign-on (SSO) does not support using a proxy server. If the parent Control Manager 5.0 server cannot access the child Control Manager server directly, SSO will not work. 6. When performing an Ad Hoc Query, with a product under the "Cascading Folder", query results may be not the same as what the information that displays on the Summary screen. This is because you can disable the uploading of logs from the child Control Manager server, but the child server always sends summary information to the parent server. 7.6 Service ===================================================================== 1. JVM is required on the Control Manager server, for users to enable debugging and use OPS. 2. For customers who still need to use Vulnerability Assessment in Control Manager 5.0 MUST upgrade from Control Manager 3.5 with Vulnerability Assessment activated. There is no way to activate Vulnerability Assessment during or after Control Manager 5.0 installation. 7.7 Product Tree ===================================================================== 1. Clicking Configure, Tasks, or Logs from the Product Directory menu before the right-hand frame finishes loading, after clicking a managed product or directory, causes the right-hand frame to remain blank. To resolve the issue use the Refresh icon to reload the screen. 2. A 3rd-party tool may cause the Control Manager Product Directory to hang when it loads. If this issue occurs, refresh the screen to resolve the issue. 3. Moving your cursor over managed products in the Product Directory makes a pop-up appear. The pop-up displays information about the managed product. The pop-up may not appear in some Internet browser environments. 7.8 Tools ===================================================================== 1. The WebConfig.bat file is no longer supported to change Control Manager's IP address and port number. This is because managed product's using MCP agents will lose connection with Control Manager after Control Manager's IP address changes. 2. Users must have "Act as the part of the operating system" privilege to run the DBConfig.exe tool on Windows 2000 environments. You can modify this setting under Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy -> Local Policies -> User Right Assignment. Any changes to this privilege takes effect after a user logs out and then logs on to the operating system. 3. The agent migration tool only supports migration from Control Manager 3.0 Service Pack 6, 3.5 Patch 2, 3.5 Patch 3, 3.5 Patch 4, and NeatSuite to Control Manager 5.0. To download Control Manager patches and service packs, visit http://www.trendmicro.com/download/product.asp?productid=7. 7.9 Misc ===================================================================== 1. After ALL Control Manager services are stopped manually or unexpectedly, Control Manager does not prompt user to log on like previous Control Manager versions. Some screens can be accessed but no settings can be changed. 2. If the Internet Explorer security level is too high, users cannot logon to Control Manager. This is because javascript (which is required for logging on) cannot be executed. 3. When all users have the authority to edit Schedule Report templates, if user B edits a report template created by user A, the original scope selected by user A (which user B does not have authority upon) can be changed. 8. Release History ======================================================================== Visit the Web site below to learn more about updates to this product. http://www.trendmicro.com/download/product.asp?productid=7 9. Contact Information ======================================================================== A license to the Trend Micro software usually includes the right to product updates, pattern file updates, and basic technical support for one (1) year from the date of purchase only. After the first year, you must renew Maintenance on an annual basis at Trend Micro's then-current Maintenance fees. Contact Trend Micro via fax, phone, and email, or visit our Web site to download evaluation copies of Trend Micro products. http://www.trendmicro.com Global Mailing Address/Telephone numbers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For global contact information in the Asia/Pacific region, Australia and New Zealand, Europe, Latin America, and Canada, refer to: http://www.trendmicro.com/en/about/overview.htm When the Trend Micro "About Us" screen displays, click the appropriate link in the "Contact Us" section of the screen. Note: This information is subject to change without notice. 10. About Trend Micro ======================================================================== Trend Micro, Inc. provides centrally controlled server-based virus protection and content-filtering products and services. By protecting information that flows through Internet gateways, email servers, and file servers, Trend Micro allows companies worldwide to stop viruses and other malicious code from a central point before they can reach the desktop. Copyright 2010, Trend Micro Incorporated. All rights reserved. Trend Micro, the t-ball logo, Control Manager, Damage Cleanup Services, InterScan, OfficeScan, Network VirusWall, ServerProtect, and Vulnerability Assessment are trademarks of Trend Micro Incorporated and registered in some jurisdictions. All other marks are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. 11. License Agreement ======================================================================== Information about your license agreement with Trend Micro can be viewed at: http://www.trendmicro.com/en/purchase/license/ Third-party licensing agreements can be viewed: - By selecting the "About" option in the application user interface - By referring to "TMCM 3rd Party License Agreement" under the Control Manager Home Directory