You create tasks using three steps. First you select
machines that you want to include in the task, next you set the schedule
for the task and then you select the enforcement actions that you want
the task to perform. After you create a regular task you can save it and
run it manually. Vulnerability Assessment displays all saved tasks in
the Vulnerability Assessment Tasks
Click Tasks
to open Vulnerability Assessment Tasks
and then click Add a New Task ....
Alternatively, click the add a new task
link from Vulnerability Assessment.
Create a Vulnerability Assessment Task
Type the name of the
task in Name. Valid names are
alphanumeric and can be up to 48 characters long. For example, iT#3-01-03-2004-mP.
In Step 1 of 3,
click Select Machines to select
the target machines for this task. After machine selection, the target
machines will appear under Selected Machines.
Step 2 of 3
is for Creating Scheduled Task. Ignore this step if you are creating a
regular task.
Complete Step 3 of 3
to set the actions the task will perform.
Click Save
to save the task and run it at some later time. Click Cancel
to close the screen without saving the task.