Using CasTool.exe Commands

The following are the commands you can execute using CasTool.exe:



castool /p:{parent server name:port}

To specify the parent server that the child server will register to.

For example:

castool /p:MUNICH_SRV1:2061

Use /p in conjunction with other CasTool child server registration commands. Do not use it separately.

castool /n:{parent server user account}

To specify the user account to register a child server to a parent server.

{parent server user account} must exist on the parent server and should not be deleted. Otherwise, the child server cannot communicate to the parent server.

For example:

castool /n:root

Trend Micro suggests the use of the parent server superuser account created during the Control Manager installation.

Use /n in conjunction with other CasTool child server registration commands. Do not use it separately.

castool /c:"{child server display name}"


To specify the name of the Control Manager child server displayed on the parent server's management console cascading structure tree.

{child server display name} should not exceed 64 characters and should contain letters, numbers, and the following characters: "_", "-".

For example:

castool /c:"TOKYO_CHILD1"

Use /c in conjunction with other CasTool child server registration commands. Do not use it separately.

castool /f:"{local directory}"

To specify the location of the public key in the local directory. The directory can be a local folder, mapped drive, or shared network drive. It must be accessible from the child server.

For example:

castool /f:"c:\e2epublic.dat"

Use /f in conjunction with other CasTool child server registration commands. Do not use it separately.

castool /u

To unregister a child server from the parent server (normal unregistration).

Use /u in conjunction with the CasTool debug command.

castool /e


To unregister a child server from the parent server (forced unregistration).

Use /e to unregister a child server from a parent server whose status is disabled or abnormal.

castool /s

To specify that an HTTPS connection exists between parent and child server. The command gets the E2EPublic.dat key from the parent server.

For example:

castool /n:root / /c:�child_01� /s

CasTool.exe will use the root account to access via HTTPS and download the public key from the parent server. It will then register the child server as child_01 in the parent server cascading structure tree.

Use /s in conjunction with CasTool registration commands. Do not use it separately.

castool /d

To enable CasTool.exe debugging. CasTool.exe saves debug logs in <root>:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Control Manager\debuglog folder.

Use /d in conjunction with CasTool registration and unregistration commands. Do not use it separately.