Understanding Report Templates

A report template outlines the look and feel of Control Manager reports. In particular, a template defines which sections appears in a report:

Trend Micro Control Manager 3.5 adds 3 new report templates to the 77 previously available since Service Pack 3. The reports added in Service Pack 3 fall into five categories: Desktop, Fileserver, Gateway, MailServer and Executive Summary. The new reports in Control Manager 3.5 fall into a new 6th category: Network Products. This category offers reports related to Network VirusWall.

To generate these reports, click Reports on the main menu, then click Create Report Profile under Local Report Profile on the navigation menu. In the Contents tab that appears in the working area, you can enter a Report Name, an optional Report Title and an optional Report Description. Use the Report Category list to peruse the six categories of reports listed below. Clicking a mark into a checkbox includes the associated report in the final exported report file.

Desktop Products


Spyware Detection Reports

Spyware Detected


Most Commonly Detected Spyware (10,25,50,100)

Virus Detection Reports

Viruses Detected


Most Commonly Detected Viruses (10,25,50,100)

OfficeScan Client Information Reports

Detailed Summary


Basic Summary

OfficeScan Product Registration Report

Registration Status

Comparative Reports

Spyware, Grouped by (Day,Week,Month)


Viruses, Grouped by (Day,Week,Month)

OfficeScan Server Deployment Reports

Detailed Summary  


Basic Summary


Detailed Failure Rate Summary

OfficeScan Damage Cleanup Services Reports

Detailed Summary


Most Commonly Cleaned Infections (10,25,50,100)

Executive Summary


Spyware Detection Reports

Spyware Detected


Most Commonly Detected Spyware (10,25,50,100)


Detected Spyware List for All Entities

Virus Detection Reports

Viruses Detected


Most Commonly Detected Viruses (10,25,50,100)


Virus Infection List for All Entities

Comparative Reports

Spyware, Grouped by (Day,Week,Month)


Viruses, Grouped by (Day,Week,Month)


Damage Cleanups, Grouped by (Day,Week,Month)


Spam, Grouped by (Day,Week,Month)

Vulnerability Reports

Machine Risk Level Assessment


Vulnerability Assessment


Most Commonly Cleaned Infections (10,25,50,100)


Worst Damage Potential Vulnerabilities (10,25,50,100)


Vulnerabilities Ranked by Risk Level

Gateway Products


Spyware Detection Reports

Spyware Detected


Most Commonly Detected Spyware (10,25,50,100)

Virus Detection Reports

Viruses Detected


Most Commonly Detected Viruses (10,25,50,100)

Comparative Reports

Spyware, Grouped by (Day,Week,Month)


Spam, Grouped by (Day,Week,Month)


Viruses, Grouped by (Day,Week,Month)

Deployment Rate Reports

Detailed Summary


Basic Summary


Detailed Failure Rate Summary


OPS Deployment Rate for IMSS

Mail Server Products


Spyware Detection Reports

Spyware Detected


Most Commonly Detected Spyware (10,25,50,100)

Virus Detection Reports

Viruses Detected


Top Senders of Infected Email (10,25,50,100)


Most Commonly Detected Viruses (10,25,50,100)

Comparative Reports

Spyware, Grouped by (Day,Week,Month)


Viruses, Grouped by (Day,Week,Month)

Deployment Rate Reports

Detailed Summary


Basic Summary


Detailed Failure Rate Summary

Server Based Products


Spyware Detection Reports

Spyware Detected


Top Spyware Detection (10,25,50,100)

Virus Detection Reports

Viruses Detected


Top Virus Detection (10,25,50,100)

Comparative Reports

Spyware, Grouped by (Day,Week,Month)


Viruses, Grouped by (Day,Week,Month)

Deployment Rate Reports

Detailed Summary


Basic Summary


Detailed Failure Rate Summary

Network Products


Policy Violation report

Policy violations, Grouped by (Day,Week,Month)

Service Violation report

Service violations, Grouped by (Day,Week,Month)

Most commonly detected violative clients

Clients with the most violations, (10,25,50,100)


Control Manager 3.5 also provides 18 templates stored in <root>\Program Files\Trend Micro\Control Manager\Reports as Crystal Report version 9 files (*.rpt):

  1. Top 10 Virus Detection Points Report

Includes the top 10 managed products and number of detected viruses.

  1. All Entities Virus Infection List

Includes all managed products and number of detected viruses.

  1. Top 10 Infected Email Sender Report

Includes the top 10 senders of infected messages and number of infected messages.

  1. Top 10 Infected Files Report

Includes the top 10 infected files.

  1. Daily Virus Count

Includes the number of viruses detected and counted per day.

  1. Top 10 Virus Report

Includes the top 10 viruses detected during the date range specified.

  1. Top 10 Security Violation Report

Includes the top 10 content security policies violated and number of infections.

  1. Deployment Rate

Includes the deployment status, managed product deployed to, last reported time, and percentage completed.

  1. Virus Infection Channel vs. Product

Includes the source of the virus infection and number of infections.

  1. Web Security Violations Report

Includes blocking type and rule, as well as the number of web security rule violations.

  1. Desktop Antivirus Protection Summary

Includes virus detection of desktop antivirus managed products (for example, OfficeScan).

  1. Filter Events by Frequency Report

Includes InterScan Messaging Security Suite virus and spam detection.

  1. Filter Events by Policy Report

Includes messages filtered according to InterScan Messaging Security Suite policies.

  1. Spam Summary for Recipients Report

Includes the top 10 spam recipients and spam information.

  1. Spam Summary for Domains Report

Includes the top 10 domains affected by spam.

  1. OfficeScan Deployment Status

Includes an OfficeScan server deployment status.

  1. Outdated OfficeScan Client

Includes OfficeScan clients that do not have the current components (virus pattern, scan engine, product program) as the OfficeScan server.

  1. Consolidated Report

Includes information available in the other 17 Control Manager 3.0 original templates.

These templates also apply to Local and Global reports.