Understanding Logs

Control Manager organizes its logs into two categories:

The following table shows the logs that managed products send to Control Manager:

Managed Product

Event Log

Grayware Log

Security Log

Web Security Log

Network Virus Log

Status Log

URL usage

Performance Metric Log


Endpoint Log

Security Violation Log

Security Compliance Log

Security Statistic Log

InterScan eManager










InterScan Messaging Security Suite









InterScan WebProtect for ICAP








InterScan for Cisco CSC SSM






OfficeScan Corporate Edition



















ServerProtect for Linux










ScanMail eManager










ScanMail for Domino/Lotus Notes










ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange










Network VirusWall 2500 1.x and Enforcer







Network VirusWall 1200








See also:

Understanding Control Manager network traffic