The Control Manager server maintains a record of all commands issued to managed products and child servers. Commands refer to instructions given to a managed product or child server to perform specific tasks. Command Tracking allows you to monitor the progress of all commands.
For example, after issuing a Start Scan Now task, which can take several minutes to complete, proceed with other tasks and then refer to the Command Tracking later for results.
The Command Tracking screen presents the following details in a table:
Date/Time Issued — indicates the date and time when the Control Manager server issued the command to a managed product or child server
Command — indicates the type of command issued
Successful — indicates the number of managed products or child servers that completed the command
Unsuccessful — indicates the number of managed products or child servers that was not able to perform the command
In Progress — indicates the number of managed products or child servers that currently performs the command
All — indicates the total number of managed products and child servers to which Control Manager issued the command
Clicking the available links in the Successful, Unsuccessful, In Progress, or All column opens the Command Details screen.