Register a Child Server

Use CasTool.exe to register a child server to a parent server.

To register a child server:

  1. Start CasTool.exe.

  2. Execute one of the following:

For example, castool /n:root / /c:�child_01�

CasTool.exe will use the root account to access and download the public key from the parent server. It will then register the child server as child_01 in the parent server cascading structure tree.

For example, castool /n:root / /c:�child_01� /s

CasTool.exe will use the root account to access via HTTPS and download the public key from the parent server. It will then register the child server as child_01 in the parent server cascading structure tree.

For example, castool /n:root /f:�C:\E2EPublic.dat� /c:�child_01�

CasTool.exe will use the root account to access and get the public key from the local directory (C:\E2EPublic.dat). It will then register the child server as child_01 in the parent server cascading structure tree.

  1. CasTool.exe restarts the Control Manager services after executing the register or unregister commands.