POP3 Email Notification Does Not Work

You configured Control Manager to send notification to a POP3 account (for example, my_email@yahoo.com). However, Control Manager does not send notifications to my_email@yahoo.com.

To troubleshoot why email notification to a POP3 account is not working:

  1. Check if the Exchange Server is an internal or a production Exchange Server.

If the Exchange server is an internal server, meaning the Internet Mail Service has not been installed, then the Exchange Server will not be able to send an email outside of the Exchange Server.

  1. Check if the Internet Mail Service (Microsoft Exchange™ 5.5) or Connector for SMTP Connector (Microsoft Exchange 2000) is installed on the Exchange Server.

  2. Verify if the Exchange server is able to send messages to an account not belonging to the organization:

  1. From the Control Manager server, open a mail client (for example, Outlook Express™).

  2. Create new mail message and send it to a POP3 account.

  3. Using Windows Explorer™, open the POP3 account Inbox and check if it receives the mail from the Control Manager server.

  4. If the POP3 account receives the email, the Exchange server has the Internet Mail Service or Connector already configured

    1. Access the Control Manager management console.

    2. Configure the notification method settings.

    3. On the working area under SMTP Server, check if the Exchange server hostname, port, and email address are correct.

  5. If the POP3 account did not receive the email, the Exchange server has no Internet Mail Service or Connector configured

    Install the Exchange server Internet Mail Service to send email notification to a POP3 account.