Configure Scheduled Download Schedule and Frequency

Specify how often Control Manager obtains component updates at the Schedule and Frequency group.

To configure scheduled download schedule and frequency:

  1. Click Administration > Update Manager > Scheduled Download. The Scheduled Download screen appears.

  2. From the Components area select the components to download.

    1. Click the + icon to expand the component list for each component group.

    1. Select the components to download. To select all components for a group, select:

    2. Patterns/rules

    3. Anti-spam rules

    4. Engines

    5. Product programs

The <Component Name> screen appears. Where <Component Name> is the name of the component you selected.

  1. Under Schedule and frequency:

  1. Define the download schedule. Select a frequency, and use the appropriate drop down menu to specify the desired schedule. You may schedule a download every minute, hour, day, or week.

  2. Use the Start time drop-down menus to specify the date and time the schedule starts to take effect.

  1. Click Save.