Configure Manual Download Settings

The Download Settings group defines the components Control Manager manually downloads and the download method.

To configure manual download settings:

  1. Access the Manual Download screen.

  2. On the working area under Download Settings:

  1. Select components that you want to download.

  2. Select the update source:

  3. Internet: Trend Micro update server to download components from the official Trend Micro ActiveUpdate server.

  4. Other update source: Type the URL of the update source in the accompanying field.

After selecting Other update source, you can specify multiple update sources. Click the + icon to add an additional update source. You can configure up to five update sources.

  1. Select Retry frequency and specify the number or retries and duration between retries for downloading components.

  2. Click Save before clicking Edit or Deployment Plan on this screen. If you do not click Save your settings will be lost.

  1. If you use an HTTP proxy server on the network (that is, the Control Manager server does not have direct Internet access), click Edit to configure the proxy settings on the System Settings screen.

  1. Click Save.