Backing Up db_ControlManager Using osql

In an event when the Control Manager database is corrupted or destroyed, use a backup copy to restore your settings. When using MSDE, use the MSDE command line interface — osql, to generate a database backup.

To generate a database backup using osql:

  1. From the Control Manager server, click Start > Run.

  2. Type cmd and then click OK.

  3. On the Windows 2000 command interpreter, execute the following commands:

  4. osql -U {ID} -P {password} -n -Q "BACKUP DATABASE {Control Manager database} TO DISK = '{path and backup name}'"


    {ID} — administrator user name account used to access the Control Manager database. This is defined during the Control Manager setup.

    {password} — password used to access the Control Manager database. This is defined during the Control Manager setup.

    {Control Manager database} — name of the Control Manager database

    {path and backup name} — target location and the backup filename

For example:

osql -U sa -P -n -Q "BACKUP DATABASE db_ControlManager TO DISK = 'f:\db.dat_bak'"

A successful database backup produces a similar result as the following:

If the backup file db.dat_bak already exists, the command osql inserts new records to the existing file to back up new information.

See also:

Restore backup db_ControlManager using osql