About OfficeScan Corporate Edition and ServerProtect Updates

OfficeScan Corporate Edition and ServerProtect are antivirus products that protect desktop machines and network servers respectively. Both are composed of:

The management server serves as the update server for its clients. It contains the different incremental update patterns, as well as the full pattern, and the different scan engines required by the following client platforms:

OfficeScan clients

ServerProtect Normal Servers

When Control Manager deploys updates to these products, it is actually deploying complete update sites � incremental update technology is not used. As a result, updating these products is comparatively more resource intensive than other Trend Micro products.

The following table shows the size of the updates deployed to these products. File sizes are approximations (as at December 2003).


Size (in compressed form)

Virus pattern file

3.5 to 4MB- Incremental patterns (7 patterns)

3 to 3.5MB- Full pattern

Scan engine

815KB- OfficeScan

840KB- ServerProtect

See also:

Understanding deploying updates