Defining a Data Loss Prevention Template Parent topic

Data Loss Prevention templates define an organization's sensitive data using keyword lists and expressions. Define templates to use in Data Loss Prevention policies and protect sensitive information that is company-specific. For more information on Data Loss Prevention Templates, see About Data Loss Prevention Templates.
Administrators cannot modify a pre-packaged template. To use a pre-packaged template as the basis for a new template, select the check box beside the template name and click Copy in the Data Loss Prevention Template toolbar. This creates a new template with the suffix "Copy" at the end.


  1. On the left navigation bar, click Data Loss PreventionDLP Templates.
    A list of templates appears.
  2. Choose to create or modify a Data Loss Prevention Template.
    • To create a template, on the Data Loss Prevention Templates toolbar, click Add.
    • To modify a template, click the template name.
  3. Type the Name of the template.
  4. (Optional) Type a Description of the template.
  5. From the drop-down box under Condition Statement, beside the (plus_icon.jpg) control, select the criteria Expressions or Keyword Lists.
  6. Select an expression or keyword list from the drop-down box beside the selected criteria.
  7. When adding Expressions criteria, type the number of Occurrences necessary for the template to trigger. This value designates the number of times an expression must be present in an email message before ScanMail triggers an action.
    The Occurrences amount is a required value. The value cannot be zero (0) or blank.
  8. Add additional criteria by clicking the (plus_icon.jpg) control. Remove criteria by clicking the (minus_icon.jpg) control.
  9. When adding more than one template definition, select the And or Or operator from the drop-down box beside the condition in the Condition Statement list.
  10. Click Add to add the condition to the Template Definition list or click Clear to clear the condition statement.
  11. When adding more than one condition, select the And or Or operator from the drop-down box beside the template definition in the Template Definition list.
  12. To remove a definition from the Template Definition list, click the delete icon (delete_garbage.jpg) to the right of the definition.
  13. Click Save.
    The Data Loss Prevention Templates screen appears with the new template at the bottom of the Data Loss Prevention templates list.