TipTrend Micro
recommends performing an estimated search before performing Search Now or
Search Later. Copying large amounts of data to the discovery mailbox
requires more system resources and could result in reduced performance.
ScanMail searches for the
keywords or phrases that the administrator specifies. Use logical
operators, parentheses, double quotation marks, wildcards, AQS
expressions (for Exchange 2010), or KQL expressions (for Exchange
2013 and Exchange 2016) to narrow the search parameters.
For details
on searching for keywords, see Syntax Used for Keyword Strings.
Administrators may choose to search all
mailboxes in the Exchange environment or choose specific users or
distribution groups.
To select Specific user or distribution group members' mailboxes:
Alternatively, administrators can import pre-existing lists from properly formatted
.txt files.
ScanMail can
search all mailbox components in the Exchange environment or administrators
may choose to scan only specific components. When choosing specific
components, the following options are available:
ScanMail searches
email messages addressed to the specified recipients or from the
specified senders.
Administrators may choose to search all
components in the Exchange environment or only those components
created within a specified date range.
Administrators may choose to use a specific discovery mailbox for the search or accept
previously configured default Search & Destroy discovery mailbox.
ScanMail provides two search