Configuring Writing Style Verification Settings Parent topic


  1. Click Advanced Spam PreventionWriting Style Verification Settings from the main menu.
    The Writing Style Verification Settings screen appears.
  2. Under Notification Settings section, configure the following notifications:
    • Notify expected sender: Click Show details, and then configure the settings for the account to use to send notification message to the expected sender.
    • Add disclaimer for email message recipients: Click Show details, and then configure the disclaimer message to display at the top of every suspicious email message that is received from an external domain.
    • Notify security/IT group: Click Show details, and then configure the email addresses of security/IT group members that ScanMail will notify if it detects a suspicious email message.
  3. Under Approved Senders section, configure the email addresses of external domains that you want ScanMail to skip from scanning for writing style verification.
    Observe special caution in configuring Approved Senders. Since ScanMail skips scanning messages from approved senders, make sure that the email addresses you configure in this section are secure, and really belong to the expected persons.