Step 4. Content Filtering: Add Policy > Specify Notification Parent topic


  1. Select Notify administrator to enable notifications for this content filtering policy.
  2. Under People to notify, click Show details to expand and configure the following:
    • To—the global email address(es) appear in this field. You can enter additional email addresses, separated by a semicolon, to create unique notifications.
    • Subject—type a subject that will appear in the subject line of the email (for example: Content Filtering Notification).
    • Message—you can create a unique message using variables like: [Server Name], [Content Rules], [Date], [Time], [File Name/Web Content Title], [File/Web Content Location], [Action], and [Violator].
      The available variables appear in the left window, and the message body in the right window.
  3. Under Settings, choose the delivery options for this notification according to the following:
    • Send consolidated notifications every [xx] [hours or days]—select this option to send a notification according to the number of hours or days you type in the variable field.
    • Send consolidated notifications every [xx] occurrences—select this option to send a notification after a certain number of occurrences as you stipulate in the variable field.
    • Send individual notifications—select this option to send a notification each time an event occurs.
  4. Under Advanced Notification, select SNMP to enable this option.
  5. Click Show details to expand the options, and configure according to the following:
    • IP Address
    • Community
    • Message—create a message as stated in Step 2 of this procedure.
  6. Select Write to Windows event log to write each notification to the Windows event log.
  7. Click Next >.