Step 2. Manual Scan: File Blocking: Add Policy > Specify sites to be excluded Parent topic


  1. To exclude any sites and accounts as exceptions to this new policy, click Add.
    The Manual Scan: File Blocking: Add Policy (Step 2.a: Specify sites to be excluded screen appears.
  2. Select from the following options:
    • All sites...OR...
    • Specify a site's URL: type a specific URL and click Search, and/or select the sites from the tree.
  3. Click Next >.
    The Manual Scan: File Blocking: Add Policy (Step 2.b: Specify accounts to be excluded screen appears.
  4. Select from the following options:
    • Anyone...OR...
    • Specific accounts: from the Search for drop down, select AD user(s)/groups or SharePoint user(s)/group(s)
  5. Select Users, Groups, or select both check boxes. Then, type the name and click Search.
  6. After the search completes, select the items you want to include from the Available Account(s) window and click Add.
  7. Continue to search and add items as required, and when complete, click Finish.
    The Manual Scan: File Blocking: Add Policy Step 2: Exceptions screen appears and displays the new sites/accounts you just added.
  8. Click Next>.
    The Manual Scan: File Blocking: Add Policy Step 3: Specify Action screen appears.