Under Block these files, select from the
following options for Specific files → File Types; click Show details to expand the
Application and executables
Compressed files
For Specific files → File Names; click Show details to expand the
Select Specific file extensions to block to
block the extensions that appear in the list. Type a new extension and
click Add to include it on the list. Use a
semicolon (;) to separate multiple entries.
To delete entries, select the entry and click
Delete. Select multiple entries using
Ctrl + click.
Select File names to block to block files with
the name that appears in the list. Type a new file name and click
Add to include it on the list.
Select Block compressed files containing the specific file types or
names to block compressed files if they contain any specified
file types or names.
Select Block OLE containers containing the specific file types or
names; click Show details to expand the
Select Microsoft documents to limit the Object
Linking and Embedding (OLE) containers to Microsoft document
Select Adobe Portable Document Format (.pdf) to
limit the OLE containers to PDF files.
Set the maximum number of OLE layers supported for blocking.