What It Means
The dot or period character represents any character except new line
do. matches doe, dog, don, dos, dot, etc.d.r matches deer, door, etc.
The asterisk character means zero or more instances of the preceding element.
do* matches d, do, doo, dooo, doooo, etc.
The plus sign character means one or more instances of the preceding element.
do+ matches do, doo, dooo, doooo, etc. but not d
The question mark character means zero or one instances of the preceding
do?g matches dg or dog but not doog, dooog, etc.
( )
Parenthesis characters group whatever is between them to be considered as a
single entity.
d(eer)+ matches deer or deereer or deereereer, etc. The + sign is applied to the
substring within parentheses, so the regex looks for d followed by one or more of
the grouping "eer."
[ ]
Square bracket characters indicate a set or a range of characters.
d[aeiouy]+ matches da, de, di, do, du, dy, daa, dae, dai, etc. The + sign is
applied to the set within brackets parentheses, so the regex looks for d followed
by one or more of any of the characters in the set [aeioy].
d[A-Z] matches dA, dB, dC, and so on up to dZ. The set in square brackets
represents the range of all upper-case letters between A and Z.
Carat characters within square brackets logically negate the set or range
specified, meaning the regex will match any character that is not in the set or
d[^aeiouy] matches db, dc or dd, d9, d#. d followed by any single character
except a vowel.
{ }
Curly brace characters set a specific number of occurrences of the preceding
element. A single value inside the braces means that only that many occurrences
will match. A pair of numbers separated by a comma represents a set of valid
counts of the preceding character. A single digit followed by a comma means there
is no upper bound.
da{3} matches daaa. d followed by 3 and only 3 occurrences of ”r;a”. da{2,4}
matches daa, daaa, daaaa, and daaaa (but not daaaaa). d followed by 2, 3, or 4
occurrences of ”r;a”. da{4,} matches daaaa, daaaaa, daaaaaa, etc. d followed by 4
or more occurrences of ”r;a”.