Configuring Macro Scanning Options for Scheduled Scan Parent topic

The following explains the steps required to configure macro scanning options for scheduled scan:


  1. On the left menu, click Scheduled Scan.
  2. Click Add, to create a new scheduled scan, or click the Task Name to edit an existing one.
  3. Under Select scan type, click the Security risk scan link and select the Action tab.
  4. Under Advanced Options, click Macros to open the content.
  5. Select Enable advanced macro scan, to enable the functionality.
  6. For Heuristic level, select an option according to the following:
    • 1 - Lenient filtering
    • 2 - Default filtering
    • 3 - Sensitive filtering
    • 4 - Rigorous filtering
  7. Select Delete all macros detected by advanced macro scan.
  8. Click Save.