Adding or Editing a Scheduled Scan Task Parent topic

This section explains the steps required to add or edit a scheduled scan task.


  1. On the left menu, click Scheduled Scan, to display the Scheduled Scan screen.
  2. Click Add on the Scheduled Scan toolbar.
    The Scheduled Scan: Add Scan Task screen appears.

    Scheduled Scan: Add Scan Task screen

  3. In the Scan task name field, type a name for the new scan task.
  4. Under Schedule, select a scan schedule from the following options:
    • Daily—at (hh:mm): select to perform a scan every day at the hour and minute you choose
    • Weekly, every—[day of week] at (hh:mm): select to perform a scan every week on the day, hour and minute you choose
    • Monthly, on date—[day of month] at (hh:mm): select to perform a scan every month on the day, hour and minute you choose
  5. Under Database selection, select one of the following options:
    • All databases: includes databases added after you configure this setting
    • Specific databases: expand and choose which databases to scan from those listed in the window
  6. Select from the following options under Select the scan type:
    Click the Security risk scan, File blocking, Content filtering, Data loss prevention, or Web Reputation links to configure the scheduled scan options. For more information, refer to:
    • Security risk scan: select to perform a scheduled security risk scan
    • File blocking: select to perform a scheduled file blocking scan
    • Content filtering: select to perform a scheduled content filtering scan. Select or clear Content filtering for document or Content filtering for Web content as required
    • Data loss prevention: select to perform a scheduled data loss prevention scan. Select or clear Data loss prevention for document or Data loss prevention for Web content as required
    • Web Reputation: select to perform a manual scan for Web Reputation. Select or clear Web Reputation for document or Web Reputation for Web content as required.
  7. To scan files modified within a certain date range, select Scan files modified to enable the following Incremental Scan Options:
    • Select Last, and type a number in the entry field that corresponds to the Hours, Days, or Weeks you want to scan.
  8. Click Save.