
SecureClient Support Installation

If users connect to the office network from a Virtual Private Network (VPN), and they have both Check Point SecureClient and the OfficeScan client installed on their computers, instruct them to install SecureClient support. This module allows SecureClient to perform SCV checks on VPN clients, ensuring that only securely configured systems are allowed to connect to the network. Users can verify that they have Check Point SecureClient installed on their computers by checking for the icon in the system tray. Users can also check for an item named Check Point SecureClient on the Add/Remove Programs screen of Windows.

Users launch the installation from the client console’s Toolbox tab. This tab only appears if users have the necessary privileges and if the client computer’s operating system is Windows XP or Windows Server 2003.


Toolbox tab on the client console

  1. In the client tree, click the root domain icon to include all clients or select specific domains or clients.

  2. Click Settings > Privileges and Other Settings.

  3. On the Privileges tab, go to the Toolbox Privileges section.

  4. Select Display the Toolbox tab on the client console and allow users to install Check Point SecureClient Support.

  5. If you selected domain(s) or client(s) in the client tree, click Save. If you clicked the root domain icon, choose from the following options:

  1. Open the client console.

  2. Click the Toolbox tab.

  3. Under Check Point SecureClient Support, click Install/Upgrade SecureClient support. A confirmation screen appears.

  4. Click Yes. The client connects to the server and downloads the module. OfficeScan displays a message when the download is complete.

  5. Click OK.

See also: